a great database
of ancient Estonian folk songs (
with sounds AND notes
http://www.folklore.ee/Kannel/index2.htmlon first page there is introduction in Estonian
and with uprow links you get
to the databases of songs (
from different parts of Estonia
Muud (other).
Arhiivilindistused are soundtracks from
the archive of Estonian Literature Museum.
These are mostly the most ancient
Estonian songs called
regilauludand sounding all the same and boring to listen.
The trick with
regilaulud is
that someone who knows the words
sings first alone
and others try to guess
the last word of the line
and sing along
and so they'll not fall asleep
'cause they have all the time to pay attention
to what's going on to sing along
in YouTube try
Untsakada popular modern Estonian folk band
Väikeste Lõõtspillide Ühing(you probably don't have
these letters on your keyboard
but u could copypaste :))
Justamentanother good estonian band
Lindpriidanother band
yes there are 4 ä-s
and means ice edge
another band
Metsatöllactually they make quite heavy versions
of quite old Estonian songs also
another very good band is
Oortalso singing
regilaulanother quite heavy folk band
regilaul too
another very good band
Kiritöömy favourite in this list :)
another Estonian band
Diskreetse Mango Triosinging
regilaul too
Estonia and Mangos again? - my only comment (Ian) See I spot the important things in music :)
another good Estonian song by
Kihnu Virveanother band
regilaulanother band
Zetodsinging old Estonian songs in old Estonian language
and a very popular Estonian singing song
Imeline aaswe certainly did in Palupõhja too
one popular Estonian getting-children-to-sleep-song
Mina ei taha veel magama jääda
(I do not want to fall asleep yet)
a song from popular soviet-time-children-tv-show
Tipi ja Täpi laulanother very popular soviet-time-children-tv-show-song
Äpu laul
another soviet-time-children-film-song
Vitsalaul from the film
Nukitsameesanother Estonian band
Meie Meessinging some popular parties-singing-songs too
another very popular singing-song
Kui on meri hülgehallfrom a soviet-time-not-children-film
Siin me olemeand a very good estonian singer
Jaan Tättedont find much of him on youtube
and finally, a great on-line song-book
with only texts, no sounds,
but useful when u happen
to spend a night with a bunch of Estonians
willing to sing
but not remembering the words
http://www.zzz.ee/sakala/ and the link
Laulikactually the
laulik is best
for remembering the first words of a song
'cause it's usually the hardest part
of getting a song going its own way...
tour by Katrin,
motivation from Pestered by and slightly edited by Ian :)
photo by Robert B
... list continued in comments ... anyone welcome to contribute :) ...