Ma tulen lõpmatusest
i come from infinity
ja lähen lõpmatusse
and go to infinity
ma mõtlen olemisest
a thing of being (alternative translation is "i think of being")
kaon olematusesse
disappear into nothingness
Ma udumerre lähen
i go into sea of fog
piimvalge niiske soe
milkwhite damp warm
ma taevast võtan tähe
i take a star from the sky
ta sakid kokku loen
and count its points (Original translation was "and count its tabs")
Kuu hõbevalgust valab
moon pours silverlight
ja kõlab yxik ulg
and sounds a lonely howl
on olematus aland
nothingness has started
ja peatub aja kulg
and stops the course of time
Nii olexin veel kaua
so would i be yet long time
eikeegi kusagil
nobody nowhere
kus tõelus leiab haua
where reality finds its grave
ja lahtub tusagi
and the bad mood goes away
sest nyyd ju pole miskit
'cause now there is nothing
mis ootaks ära viix
that would wait would take away
on haihtund viimne piiskki
has vanished the last dewdrop too
ja langeb viimne tilk.
and falls the last drop
Katrin 13.04.1993
p.s. Poem and translation by Katrin... slightly edited by Ian...
photo by Robert B
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