Have a great time to everyone and to all the traditional festive fun round the world. A winter haiku can be read here.
Estonian / English Blog Started from a Conservation Holiday in Palupõhja in 2009
Friday, 23 December 2011
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
All unique
covering the land
but who will miss me
from the rest
when I melt away?
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Recipe 2: Cheese, Onion and Potato Layer Pie - my veggie Christmas Pie :)
Here is a simple (very rough) guide to the pie that I like to make instead of having turkey for Christmas. (Also featured in a few Preston Poets Christmas buffets.. see photo at bottom)
Try to get local where possible and also the varieties you prefer. Quantities depend on how big a pie you are doing. My pies end up bulging with stuff , you may prefer nicely shaped pies :)
Halved Peeled Potatoes - I don't think I have ever counted how many I put in. Is a guess whilst cleaning and peeling. A guess whilst writing this is 7 medium potatoes, the pie is mostly potato.
Chopped/ Diced Onions - 2 maybe 3 and I prefer red.
Grated Cheese - What ever variety / varieties that take your fancy! This will be grated so you can use the rest of the block up with your favourite crackers and wine or something later.
Plain Flour
Egg Yolk/Milk for pastry
Enjoy :)
Let me know what you think.
Sorry wasn't quick enough to take a photo of my last pie:
Try to get local where possible and also the varieties you prefer. Quantities depend on how big a pie you are doing. My pies end up bulging with stuff , you may prefer nicely shaped pies :)
Halved Peeled Potatoes - I don't think I have ever counted how many I put in. Is a guess whilst cleaning and peeling. A guess whilst writing this is 7 medium potatoes, the pie is mostly potato.
Chopped/ Diced Onions - 2 maybe 3 and I prefer red.
Grated Cheese - What ever variety / varieties that take your fancy! This will be grated so you can use the rest of the block up with your favourite crackers and wine or something later.
Plain Flour
Egg Yolk/Milk for pastry
- Put the peeled and halved potatoes into boiling water with a pinch of salt. Cook until soft but not collapsing. I cook for 10/15 mins then have a poke. Drain and leave to cool.
- Fry some onions in a pan with a knob of butter. Fry to soften and make sweet tasting flavour. Maybe slightly brown but not crisp. Leave to cool.
- Make some short crust pastry. Enough for a base and a lid . Delia's guide to shortcrust pastry is here if you need any help.
- Grease your pie dish and place the pastry in. Make sure it is flat against the dish and there are no bubbles. We want all the space for the filling :)
- We are going to make different layers of the ingredients. First use some of the potato and slice up into smaller pieces so you can layer the base of the pie.
- Next layer some of the onion over the top.
- Grate (or use your pre grated :)) cheese over the top of this.
- Continue with the layers starting from Potato until you run out of ingredients (either in the pie or through tasting :)).
- Seal your lid on. Maybe a little egg yolk or milk to help seal it.
- Put the pie in the an oven until pastry cooked and nice golden brown. Oven around 180c and again the guide of cook for 10/15 mins and check. As everything inside has been cooked that needs to be cooked then we are just waiting for the colour!
- Any pastry left over can be used for mince pies, jam tarts... just make smaller pastry shapes and fill with (Christmas sweet) mincemeat or jam.
Enjoy :)
Let me know what you think.
Sorry wasn't quick enough to take a photo of my last pie:
Thursday, 1 December 2011
An Alternative Merry Christmas
Picture by Mari-Lee
It is December again and the time to try and think up some unique new presents for everyone(if not already sorted)! If you are stuck like me then maybe here are some alternative ideas for presents.. or weekends away... or maybe something for next year. Also if you want to avoid those horrendously long queues and crazy people who use any means (and I mean any) to get the last sale item then maybe these are for you.
Of course there are plenty of online shops out there, but there are also plenty of charity shops with plenty of ideas. There are both national and international charities , so you can support the charities in your country or one of the big names whilst getting someone something special. They sell anything from candles to cuddly toys to diaries and sweets.
Here are some alternative ideas from some randomly picked charities:
WWF - Adopt an animal. Maybe adopt a penguin (with cuddly toy) with the WWF or ein Eisbär adoption (mit DVD) with Swiss WWF for example.
Amnesty - Maybe buy an Alpaca hat from Amnesty UK to help development in Peru or maybe Echarpe à chevrons en pashmina from Amensty France.
Oxfam - Buy a goat!!! (Well ok it is for someone who needs a goat) with Oxfam UK or Varkentje with Oxfam Nederland.
Of course if you are still stuck with ideas then maybe combine your shopping with a lovely (and maybe romantic?) trip away to a Christmas Market and explore a new place too. There are plenty to choose from in Europe (and beyond). Here is an article from last year's Telegraph about 10 markets... including Tallinn's Christmas Market (possibly the place of the first Christmas Tree).
Or if you just want to escape from it all... what about volunteering over the Christmas period? Such as at Belvoir Castle with BTCV. Then in the new year if you still want to adventure and help out then there are plenty of countries you can go to including the Estonian trip with BTCV or with ELF.
But all in all I hope you find what you need and enjoy this time of year!
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
And You Run Some More
To follow on both from the poem last time and my little article here about Preston Guild Year in 2012 here is something else happening in 2012.. in Preston! Preston has been one of a few to be chosen as an European City of Sport 2012. (The others are Charleroi, Iaşi, Firenze, Pescara and Viterbo).
The aim is to of course to promote sports and improve health etc. Exercise and some kind of sport is good for you... and everyone can be involved in something!
I started playing football for fun a few years ago and from there started to do running. When I started running I could run for under 10 minutes only. I couldn't even get around the park I was running. But from there each week I got a little better and could eventually keep going for 15 minutes. Then gradually did further and further until my first proper 5k ... I was slow in this race but it meant that I had run the furthest I had ever done and run for over 30 mins!
I am never ever going to win any of the races but its the feeling of accomplishment. Most people should be able to do a 5k (even if I didn't think that when I started running).
But I went on...
to 10ks and over an hours run
and then finally this year a half marathon and over 2 hrs running. Which even though I was in the last third of finishers , I did finish! So now was in a minority percentage of people who have finished half marathons
So it may mean my next step ... getting back on track... is doing one of the sporting events in Preston next year. Some of the main events include:
Preston Guild Marathon (and Half Marathon)
Festival of Cycling and Guild Wheel
Big Dance
Tour of Britain final stage
Twin Town sports events
Get involved!
And if you cant get to Preston there are plenty of sporting events around the world... Of course there are the the Olympic games in the UK and a couple of Estonian events include the Tallinn Marathon, Tartu Marathon (although you may need some sticks for this one :)) . Or you could go skiing in the Alps, swimming in the Caribbean or football at your local park or running down your own street.
Enjoy and keep fit!
The aim is to of course to promote sports and improve health etc. Exercise and some kind of sport is good for you... and everyone can be involved in something!
I started playing football for fun a few years ago and from there started to do running. When I started running I could run for under 10 minutes only. I couldn't even get around the park I was running. But from there each week I got a little better and could eventually keep going for 15 minutes. Then gradually did further and further until my first proper 5k ... I was slow in this race but it meant that I had run the furthest I had ever done and run for over 30 mins!
I am never ever going to win any of the races but its the feeling of accomplishment. Most people should be able to do a 5k (even if I didn't think that when I started running).
But I went on...
to 10ks and over an hours run
and then finally this year a half marathon and over 2 hrs running. Which even though I was in the last third of finishers , I did finish! So now was in a minority percentage of people who have finished half marathons
So it may mean my next step ... getting back on track... is doing one of the sporting events in Preston next year. Some of the main events include:
Preston Guild Marathon (and Half Marathon)
Festival of Cycling and Guild Wheel
Big Dance
Tour of Britain final stage
Twin Town sports events
Get involved!
And if you cant get to Preston there are plenty of sporting events around the world... Of course there are the the Olympic games in the UK and a couple of Estonian events include the Tallinn Marathon, Tartu Marathon (although you may need some sticks for this one :)) . Or you could go skiing in the Alps, swimming in the Caribbean or football at your local park or running down your own street.
Enjoy and keep fit!
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
We Ran!
We ran down roads, and up paths
We ran past quiet cows, and cheering people.
We ran over bridges, and through woods
We ran around a lake, and spied into a castle
We ran against our doubting legs, and the energy ran away
And then we ran even more… and we triumphed!
by Ian (all a true story too!)
(Photo and manipulation by Ian... Collection of shells and feathers by DA)
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
And we all must be lions
Fierce, Roaring Cats
Guarding our pride
King under the sun
But our mothers
Still know how to pick us up by the scruffs of our necks !
by Ian
(Estonian and English (maybe French or Norman or something before) lions)
Guarding our pride
King under the sun
But our mothers
Still know how to pick us up by the scruffs of our necks !
by Ian
(Estonian and English (maybe French or Norman or something before) lions)
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Switzerland # 2
There are no words
no thoughts
no sayings
no rightness
just being
for the one
by Ian
art by Katrin in 2011
(story of the picture:
were in a cafe with children
and they had pencils there
for children to draw
and no newspapers
so had to draw myself
for not to get bored
while children were busy
playing around)
(story of the poem:
well it says it all in the poem
even the fact that even though I had written it
and typed it up I did not think it was good enough
it was not right! )
no thoughts
no sayings
no rightness
just being
for the one
by Ian
art by Katrin in 2011
(story of the picture:
were in a cafe with children
and they had pencils there
for children to draw
and no newspapers
so had to draw myself
for not to get bored
while children were busy
playing around)
(story of the poem:
well it says it all in the poem
even the fact that even though I had written it
and typed it up I did not think it was good enough
it was not right! )
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Auf Wiedersehen Butterfly
It was probably the last lovely summer day
The summer bird had flownThe Sun was hiding away
I felt this was the last I’d see of you
So now as the Day, I Falter colourfully
and Night, I Falter greylyI was ready for the final winter
and the ultimate freeze.
But Hey! I was wrong
lovely sunny summer day today.As you displayed to me
your pretty wings once more
Fluttering in and around
in a chaotic danceAs butterflies randomly picking flowers.
You have found me.
So just as I thought I could see the end.
I now know, there are plenty more summers in betweenI just have to survive the winters.
and be with you again.
by Ian and A
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Most Estonian?
In Facebook there is a group "You know you are from Estonian when..." where Estonians and people knowing Estonians have gathered lots of great and funny observations about Estonians. Like for example:
You know you are from Estonian when...
1. You use the word ‘normal’ if something is ok.
24. Your best friend's girlfriend is your English teacher's daughter and they live next door to your grandparents, who were colleagues with your advisor, who is friends with your...
61. "Ühesõnaga" means that a really long explanation is coming
93. When you hear "Kristina", you think of Shmigun, not Aguilera.
141. You say to a foreigner "Sure! I'll help you learn the Estonian language!", and then you disappear...
148. As a child you went looking for a fern flower on Jaaniõhtu.
In the moment it ends with number 148 and still says "to be continued..."...
art by 5-year-old Mari Lee "an one"
You know you are from Estonian when...
1. You use the word ‘normal’ if something is ok.
24. Your best friend's girlfriend is your English teacher's daughter and they live next door to your grandparents, who were colleagues with your advisor, who is friends with your...
61. "Ühesõnaga" means that a really long explanation is coming
93. When you hear "Kristina", you think of Shmigun, not Aguilera.
141. You say to a foreigner "Sure! I'll help you learn the Estonian language!", and then you disappear...
148. As a child you went looking for a fern flower on Jaaniõhtu.
In the moment it ends with number 148 and still says "to be continued..."...
art by 5-year-old Mari Lee "an one"
Saturday, 3 September 2011
Least religious?
But do Estonians believe in anything?... or thats what they ask.
You can hear the radio version here This is quite interesting radio programme and includes a lot of interesting cultural and historical points... some can be read in the written summary here.
Here are some stats from wikipedia and interestingly it seems to be the "Scandanavian" countries that seem to have a low percentage of "Religion". On this page there is an additional column that says "I believe there is some sort of spirit or life force" and 54% Estonians said yes to this, along with the Scandanvian countries too.
Anyway no real comment apart from that interesting comparison.
art by 5-year-old Mari Lee "a two"
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
I need the rain.
The cooling shower
to stop me from wilting.
The downpour and thunderstorm
to clear the air.
Or just the cloudy parasol
shading me from the intense heat.
I need the sun.
The clear blue heavens
encouraging to grow.
The bright light
to awake and flower.
The warming sky-fire
then I can ripen.
But to bear fruit
I need both
by Ian August 2011
art by 5-year-old Mari Lee
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
And they Sung...

70,000 Estonians watched The Song for Freedom event in Tallinn. This is just a quick article to point you to a couple of news articles here and there.
The first article has a great link to a video of the coverage from Estonian TV! So you can watch the performances from the different bands. One being Brainstorm who I had seen live in Tallinn 2 years ago and are very good. They are from the fellow Baltic State.... Latvia!
Anyway there is a variety of music to watch and listen to at this link!
And this link from later on in the day!
Friday, 19 August 2011
The Song of Freedom

"The Estonian people are celebrating two important events this year – 20 years has passed from the 20th of August when Estonia re-gained its independence and the capital of Estonia, Tallinn is proud to be the European Capital of Culture in 2011"
And to celebrate is of course some singing! Many Estonian singers will be performing (more details here) but also including a 20 year delayed performance by Sinead O'Connor.
Also the day after is Iceland Day in Tallinn. This includes performances from Icelandic bands. More details available here.
You can also read my poetry on this blog from my trip to Iceland here.
Of course there poems about Estonia on here but I will let you look for them :) but here is a link to a little talk I did on Identity including Gustav Suits
Monday, 15 August 2011
2nd Anniversary
Ian thought it would be fitting to have an Estonian Poem on the 1st Anniversary Post.
I thought it would be fitting to have the non-poetic word-by-word translation of the 1st Anniversary Post poem here.
Korallid Emajõel
- Corals on Emajõgi
Betti Alver
Ikka meenuvad minutid
- still remember the minutes
- when
viras vikerkaar
- the rainbow
üle vee.
- over the water
Me seisime raudsel sillal.
- We stood on the iron bridge
Sinu ees oli
- In front of you there was
raudne tee.
- the iron road.
Aeg raputas aardeid mu ette.
- Time shaked the treasures in front of me.
sinu ees oli
- in front of you there was
raudne tee.
- the iron road
- On the iron bridge
viskasin vette
- I threw into the water
ma punakorallidest
- a necklace made of red corals.
Kõik mu aegade aarded on hallid.
- All the treasures of my times are grey
- There is no complexion
pole ka jumalatõel.
- on the Truth of God either.
- From the bottom of the water
vaid punakorallid
- only the red corals
vahel vilavad
- sometimes shimer
- on Emajõgi.
poem by Betti Alver, found by Ian, translation here by Katrin
art by 5-year-old Mari Lee - the coral fish
I thought it would be fitting to have the non-poetic word-by-word translation of the 1st Anniversary Post poem here.
Korallid Emajõel
- Corals on Emajõgi
Betti Alver
Ikka meenuvad minutid
- still remember the minutes
- when
viras vikerkaar
- the rainbow
üle vee.
- over the water
Me seisime raudsel sillal.
- We stood on the iron bridge
Sinu ees oli
- In front of you there was
raudne tee.
- the iron road.
Aeg raputas aardeid mu ette.
- Time shaked the treasures in front of me.
sinu ees oli
- in front of you there was
raudne tee.
- the iron road
- On the iron bridge
viskasin vette
- I threw into the water
ma punakorallidest
- a necklace made of red corals.
Kõik mu aegade aarded on hallid.
- All the treasures of my times are grey
- There is no complexion
pole ka jumalatõel.
- on the Truth of God either.
- From the bottom of the water
vaid punakorallid
- only the red corals
vahel vilavad
- sometimes shimer
- on Emajõgi.
poem by Betti Alver, found by Ian, translation here by Katrin
art by 5-year-old Mari Lee - the coral fish
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Lood ja laulud
Sinugi lood on Sinu sees
- Your stories are inside You
ja piiluvad vahel välja.
- and peek out sometimes.
Kuigi kannad neid eneses,
- Although you carry them inside yourself,
saad nendega vahel nalja.
- sometimes some fun happens with them.
Sinu laulud on Sinu sees ja murravad vahel välja.
- Your songs are inside You and break out sometimes.
Räägivad Sinust enesest ja teevad Su kulul nalja.
- Talk about Yourself and make fun of You.
Sinu elu on Sinu ees. Alati ei tule välja.
- Your life is in front of You. Always it does not work out.
Hoolimata Su teenetest Sinustki teeb keegi nalja.
- Regardless of Your favors, someone makes fun of You, too.
Sinu hetked on Sinu sees. Keegi ei võta neid välja.
- Your moments are inside You. Nobody takes them out.
Parimates Su hetkedes ikka on killuke nalja.
- In the best of Your moments there alaways is a chip of fun.
Sinu naljad on Sinu sees. Kuidas küll saada nad välja?
- Your funny jokes are inside You. How to get them out?
Sügavamalgi südames juurdunud kurbuse viljad...
- In the deepest part of the heart the fruits of sadness have taken root...
Sinu kurbus on Sinu ees. Kes küll siit lasi ta välja?
- Your sadness is in front of You. Who on earth did let it out from here?
Tühjusetunne südames igatseb killukest nalja.
- Feeling of emptyness in the heart yearns for a chip of fun.
Sinu viljad on Sinu sees. Lase nad ometi välja!
- Your fruits are inside You. Let them yet out!
Oma laule Sa imetle kurbuses, tänus ja naljas!
- Your own songs do admire in sadness, in thanksgiving and in fun!
by Katrin in June 2011
art by 5-year-old Mari Lee 'a sea, a sunset and a sunrise'
- Your stories are inside You
ja piiluvad vahel välja.
- and peek out sometimes.
Kuigi kannad neid eneses,
- Although you carry them inside yourself,
saad nendega vahel nalja.
- sometimes some fun happens with them.
Sinu laulud on Sinu sees ja murravad vahel välja.
- Your songs are inside You and break out sometimes.
Räägivad Sinust enesest ja teevad Su kulul nalja.
- Talk about Yourself and make fun of You.
Sinu elu on Sinu ees. Alati ei tule välja.
- Your life is in front of You. Always it does not work out.
Hoolimata Su teenetest Sinustki teeb keegi nalja.
- Regardless of Your favors, someone makes fun of You, too.
Sinu hetked on Sinu sees. Keegi ei võta neid välja.
- Your moments are inside You. Nobody takes them out.
Parimates Su hetkedes ikka on killuke nalja.
- In the best of Your moments there alaways is a chip of fun.
Sinu naljad on Sinu sees. Kuidas küll saada nad välja?
- Your funny jokes are inside You. How to get them out?
Sügavamalgi südames juurdunud kurbuse viljad...
- In the deepest part of the heart the fruits of sadness have taken root...
Sinu kurbus on Sinu ees. Kes küll siit lasi ta välja?
- Your sadness is in front of You. Who on earth did let it out from here?
Tühjusetunne südames igatseb killukest nalja.
- Feeling of emptyness in the heart yearns for a chip of fun.
Sinu viljad on Sinu sees. Lase nad ometi välja!
- Your fruits are inside You. Let them yet out!
Oma laule Sa imetle kurbuses, tänus ja naljas!
- Your own songs do admire in sadness, in thanksgiving and in fun!
by Katrin in June 2011
art by 5-year-old Mari Lee 'a sea, a sunset and a sunrise'
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Raha ... mõttes
Raha. Aeg. Suhted.
- Money. Time. Relationships.
Raskused. Edu. Uhkus.
- Difficulties. Success. Pride.
Tänu. Alandlikkus. Austus.
- Gratitude. Humility. Respect.
Truudus. Püüdlused. Sihid.
- Loyalty. Aspirations. Goals.
Õnn. Elu. Surm.
- Happyness. Life. Death.
Ise. Vaba. Üksi.
- Self. Free. Alone.
Alati. Iialgi. Mis mõttes?
- Always. Never. In what sense?
by Katrin in May 2011
art by 5-year-old Mari Lee 'a house'
- Money. Time. Relationships.
Raskused. Edu. Uhkus.
- Difficulties. Success. Pride.
Tänu. Alandlikkus. Austus.
- Gratitude. Humility. Respect.
Truudus. Püüdlused. Sihid.
- Loyalty. Aspirations. Goals.
Õnn. Elu. Surm.
- Happyness. Life. Death.
Ise. Vaba. Üksi.
- Self. Free. Alone.
Alati. Iialgi. Mis mõttes?
- Always. Never. In what sense?
by Katrin in May 2011
art by 5-year-old Mari Lee 'a house'
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Scotland - The Solway Woodlands Experience

Anyway, seems like a good chance to meet some Estonians, if anyone interested :)
picture from btcv website
Friday, 13 May 2011
Euro - Vision / Volunteering
Eurovision time… fun time
Volunteering time.. fun time
I am feeling a little creative so I am combining the Eurovision with an email I got recently from the BTCV about their Volunteering holidays. It was a BTCV holiday that I went on to Estonia that was the inspiration for this blog. A cool holiday where I could volunteer and help and explore the world...
I am surprised that the BTCV hasn’t done something similar but o well here goes
First off in Alphabetical order
Bulgaria – Where you can help build nests near the Black Sea or help manage habitats on the Sakar Mountains Details from the BTCV here
Their Eurovision song entry called Na Inat was in the second Semi Final on Thursday, but unfortunately did not get through.
Estonia - Where you can help look after the Alam Pedja Reserve. There are plenty of photos and thoughts on this blog about this. For instance here are a few from the start of this blog. A lovely remote but friendly place. A place to escape but also to find .
Their Eurovision song Rockefeller Street was performed in the second Semi Final too and has qualified for the final so you can watch it live again ! Its quite a catchy tune.
Iceland - You can volunteer and help at Skaftafell. Another interesting volunteering holiday I have been on. At Skaftafell the feel of the Sagas of old felt alive, and also a huge big glacier to wake up to every day. Also you may experience the looooooooooooong days where the sun never really sleeps.
Some thoughts and photos are here
As for their Eurovision entry it is called Coming Home. It was written by ‘Sjonni’ who sadly died in January, his friends decided that the song should stay in the competition and it has gone through the first Semi Final and qualified for the final.
There is a lot to do in Italy! You can revive mountains (apparently), help restore a villa and help with the olive harvest. More details here
As for Eurovision it is their first entry for 14 years. It is a jazzy song which I quite like. They are straight into the final so you can enjoy it there too.
For Portugal you best be quick! One holiday doing coastal work has already been booked up and the National Park work in June is fast approaching. More details here
Their entry Luta É Alegria is a traditional collective song and means the struggle is joy. Unfortunately it didn’t get past the first semi final but you can enjoy it here
Romania was one of the choices that looked tempting to me. It is volunteering in Transylvania! Doing community work and working in meadows. Looks a great way to learn about Romania. Details here.
As for Eurovision they qualified through the second semi-final with Change.
Slovakia you can volunteer, if you are quick again as it is June, in the Tatra Mountains with research and monitoring. Details here.
Their entry was interesting as the group was called TWiiNS as the girls were identical twins which was quite strange to watch with two identical people singing at once… which you can do here , as unluckily they didn’t qualify for the final.
Other places that BTCV have had or are looking at :
Finally the BTCV does do the UK , these along with other holidays (USA , Japan etc) can be found here
Of course the UK are in Eurovision and there are plenty of other countries not mentioned here.
Enjoy Eurovision and volunteering :)
Volunteering time.. fun time
I am feeling a little creative so I am combining the Eurovision with an email I got recently from the BTCV about their Volunteering holidays. It was a BTCV holiday that I went on to Estonia that was the inspiration for this blog. A cool holiday where I could volunteer and help and explore the world...
I am surprised that the BTCV hasn’t done something similar but o well here goes
First off in Alphabetical order
Bulgaria – Where you can help build nests near the Black Sea or help manage habitats on the Sakar Mountains Details from the BTCV here
Their Eurovision song entry called Na Inat was in the second Semi Final on Thursday, but unfortunately did not get through.
Estonia - Where you can help look after the Alam Pedja Reserve. There are plenty of photos and thoughts on this blog about this. For instance here are a few from the start of this blog. A lovely remote but friendly place. A place to escape but also to find .
Their Eurovision song Rockefeller Street was performed in the second Semi Final too and has qualified for the final so you can watch it live again ! Its quite a catchy tune.
Iceland - You can volunteer and help at Skaftafell. Another interesting volunteering holiday I have been on. At Skaftafell the feel of the Sagas of old felt alive, and also a huge big glacier to wake up to every day. Also you may experience the looooooooooooong days where the sun never really sleeps.
Some thoughts and photos are here
As for their Eurovision entry it is called Coming Home. It was written by ‘Sjonni’ who sadly died in January, his friends decided that the song should stay in the competition and it has gone through the first Semi Final and qualified for the final.
There is a lot to do in Italy! You can revive mountains (apparently), help restore a villa and help with the olive harvest. More details here
As for Eurovision it is their first entry for 14 years. It is a jazzy song which I quite like. They are straight into the final so you can enjoy it there too.
For Portugal you best be quick! One holiday doing coastal work has already been booked up and the National Park work in June is fast approaching. More details here
Their entry Luta É Alegria is a traditional collective song and means the struggle is joy. Unfortunately it didn’t get past the first semi final but you can enjoy it here
Romania was one of the choices that looked tempting to me. It is volunteering in Transylvania! Doing community work and working in meadows. Looks a great way to learn about Romania. Details here.
As for Eurovision they qualified through the second semi-final with Change.
Slovakia you can volunteer, if you are quick again as it is June, in the Tatra Mountains with research and monitoring. Details here.
Their entry was interesting as the group was called TWiiNS as the girls were identical twins which was quite strange to watch with two identical people singing at once… which you can do here , as unluckily they didn’t qualify for the final.
Other places that BTCV have had or are looking at :
Finally the BTCV does do the UK , these along with other holidays (USA , Japan etc) can be found here
Of course the UK are in Eurovision and there are plenty of other countries not mentioned here.
Enjoy Eurovision and volunteering :)
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Morning Story
- Morning Story
neljapäev 6. märts 2008
- Thursday, March 6, 2008
mees astus karusselli pealt maha ja vaatas enda ümber.
- the man stepped down from the carousel and looked around himself.
maailm kõikus veidike, kuid jäi vähehaaval pidama.
- the world wavered a bit, but little by little it stopped.
mees toetas jalad tugevalt maha ja vaatas ettevaatlikult karusselli poole.
- the man put his feet intensely on the ground and looked carefully towards the carousel.
see tundus imelikult kirju ja lärmakas.
- it seemed weirdly colourful and loud.
inimesed vihisesid kiiresti-kiiresti mööda, naersid ja hõikusid omavahel.
- the people swished by fast-fast, laughed and shouted to each other.
nad paistsid ennast hästi tundvat.
- they seemed to feel themselves good.
vahepeal mõni oksendas üle karusselliääre, pühkis suu puhtaks ja naeris ja hõikus edasi.
- now and then some of them vomited over the edge of the carousel, sweeped his mouth clean and laughed and shouted on.
inimestele karussellil paistis mees ... veider.
- to the people on the carousel the man looked ... weird.
selline ... ebastabiilne.
- such ... unstable.
kord on, kord pole.
- once he is there, then he is not.
kuidagi ... väljaspool.
- somehow ... outside.
teisel pool.
- on the other side.
lihtsam oli teda mitte vaadata ja tema olemasolu unustada.
- it was easier to not look at him and forget about his presence.
- there.
karussellil vihises mööda Suur Mees.
- on the carousel swished by the Big Man.
- with Beard.
Mees ei olnud teda varem märganud.
- the Man had not noticed him before.
karussellil olles.
- being on the carousel.
nüüd aga jõudsid temani Suure Mehe Sõnad.
- but now the Words of the Big Man reached him.
Suur Mees vihises mööda kiiresti, aga jõudis selle lühikese hetkega öelda Palju.
- the Big Man swished by fast, but could by that short moment say a Lot.
naudi seda aega. selliseid võimalusi antakse harva. see on suurepärane aeg Loomiseks.
- enjoy this time. such possibilities are given rarely. it is a wonderful time for Creation.
mees vaatas enda ümber. Maailm oli Loodud. mida on enam Luua ühel väikesel Mehel.
- the man looked around himself. the World had been Created. what else can be Created by a little Man.
mees vaatas karusselli ja tundis, kuidas maailm hakkab vaikselt jälle ringi käima.
- the man looked the carousel and felt, how the world slowly starts to go around again.
mees sirutas käe karusselli poole ja sai mööduva pulgaga valusalt mööda sõrmi.
- the man reached his hand toward the carousel and got a painful hit from the passing stick.
mees pistis sõrme suhu ja jäi mõttesse.
- the man put his finger in his mouth and stayed thinking.
mees heitis pikali ja vaatas kõikuvaid oksi ja mööduvaid pilvi.
- the man laid down and looked at the swaying branches and passing clouds.
Rahu oli Maa peal.
- the Peace was on the Earth.
mees jäi vaikselt magama.
- the man fell quietly asleep.
mees nägi unes, et ta on väike tüdruk, kes istub öösärgis arvuti ees ja kirjutab "Mees astus karussellilt maha..."
- the man dreamed that he was a little girl sitting in a nightgown in front of a computer and writing "the Man stepped down from the carousel..."
mehe silmist voolasid pisarad ja nendest tärkasid tema ümber maailma kõige ilusamad lilled.
- from the eyes of the man flowed tears and sprouted around him the most beautiful flowers of the world.
Short Story by Katrin in 2008
art by 6-year-old Mari Lee 'Egg and Mother' or 'Mother of the Egg'
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
looduseomnibuss news... (Photo Competition and new competition)
Monday, 25 April 2011
Lahemaa Photo and Painting Contest
information in Estonian here http://www.keskkonnaamet.ee/index.php?id=26905
anyone can send their paintings and photos of Lahemaa (a beautiful part of Northern Estonia) until May 15, 2011.
ad by Katrin
anyone can send their paintings and photos of Lahemaa (a beautiful part of Northern Estonia) until May 15, 2011.
ad by Katrin
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Lovely photos of Estonia for you to view
Lots of photos have been sent in for the Looduse Omnibuss competition and you can view the gallery of them here. There are photos of landscapes, weather, nature, people ... close ups, long shots, some that will surprise, some that will delight. Anyway enjoy :)
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Nature Quiz
As everyone waits for the results from Looduse Omnibuss for the photo competition there are more prizes and some questions to be answered.
They along with a company called Overall have a quiz which you can enter by identifying places animals etc (in Estonian). You can win a new camera or something else by entering this Quiz
You have about 2 weeks to enter!
(Details in Estonian are here)
They along with a company called Overall have a quiz which you can enter by identifying places animals etc (in Estonian). You can win a new camera or something else by entering this Quiz
You have about 2 weeks to enter!
(Details in Estonian are here)
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Bee Story Collecting
see here: This year, in co-operation with Estonian National Museum, we are also collecting stories from people who have participated in the Day of Civil Actions and other kind of bees in different times. People can send us their stories as well as read other people’s stories on our website - www.teemeara.ee.
more information in Estonian here:
- collecting stories from March 15 until May 13, 2011
- story entering form in the website http://www.teemeara.ee/talgulood
- more information Tiina.Tael@erm.ee, tel. +372 7350420 (ask for example whether stories in English would be accepted ;)
- read stories here
photo by English Volunteer in Palupõhja Bee in 2009
more information in Estonian here:
- collecting stories from March 15 until May 13, 2011
- story entering form in the website http://www.teemeara.ee/talgulood
- more information Tiina.Tael@erm.ee, tel. +372 7350420 (ask for example whether stories in English would be accepted ;)
- read stories here
photo by English Volunteer in Palupõhja Bee in 2009
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Tallinn Music Week
Tallinn Music Week took place last week. This is the third year that it has taken place.
When I was in Tallinn last year I managed to see a few bands at the Rock Cafe. On that evening were an Estonian band : Groundhog Day, Latvian : Instrumenti - with panda heads and remember this song . Finally there was another Latvian band called Brainstorm. They were a Latvian entry to Eurovision one year with My Star. Anyway it was great fun and recommended to all... so anyway...
This year it was part of Tallinn Capital of Culture and a review of the week can be found here in English. Also information about Music Week (maybe its something you might want to check out next time) and a list of all the bands (which you can check now:)) can be found here.
Photo of Crowd in Rock Cafe in 2010
When I was in Tallinn last year I managed to see a few bands at the Rock Cafe. On that evening were an Estonian band : Groundhog Day, Latvian : Instrumenti - with panda heads and remember this song . Finally there was another Latvian band called Brainstorm. They were a Latvian entry to Eurovision one year with My Star. Anyway it was great fun and recommended to all... so anyway...
This year it was part of Tallinn Capital of Culture and a review of the week can be found here in English. Also information about Music Week (maybe its something you might want to check out next time) and a list of all the bands (which you can check now:)) can be found here.
Photo of Crowd in Rock Cafe in 2010
Monday, 21 March 2011
World Poetry Day!

Happy World Poetry Day!
A good reason (if you need any?) to read some poetry today.
Maybe something old ,
maybe something loved,
maybe something new?
Well for the "maybe something new" section here is a poem I have found recently. It is by Hermann Hesse. Which I feel is a good choice for World Poetry Day due to his connections to various parts of the world.
A quick summary: He was born in Calw, Germany. His mother was born in a missionary in India and his father was born in Paide, Estonia (Article on Hesse-Estonia). They moved to Basel, Switzerland and he obtained Swiss nationality (Previously Russian). He married 3 times; including Swiss and Ukranian wives. He won the nobel prize in literature and wrote various novels including Der Steppenwolf (which inspired the name for the Canadian-American band) and Siddhartha. He also wrote various poems including the one I now present to you below in both English and German:
English (from poems.md)
Without You
My Pillow gazes upon me at night
Empty as a gravestone;
I never thought it would be so bitter
To be alone,
Not to lie down asleep in your hair.
I lie alone in a silent house,
The hanging lamp darkened,
And gently stretch out my hands
To gather in yours,
And softly press my warm mouth
Toward you, and kiss myself, exhausted and weak-
Then suddenly I'm awake
And all around me the cold night grows still.
The star in the window shines clearly-
Where is your blond hair,
Where your sweet mouth?
Now I drink pain in every delight
And poison in every wine;
I never knew it would be so bitter
To be alone,
Alone, without you.
Translated by James Wright
German / Deutsch (from murmel.de)
Ohne Dich
Mein Kissen schaut mich an zur Nacht
leer wie ein Totenstein;
So bitter hatt ich's nie gedacht,
Allein zu sein
Und nicht in deinem Haar gebettet sein!
Ich lieg allein im stillen Haus,
die Ampel ausgetan,
Und strecke sacht die Hände aus,
die deinen zu umfahn,
Und dränge leis den heißen Mund
Nach Dir und küss mich matt und wund-
und plötzlich bin ich aufgewacht
und ringsum schweigt die kalte Nacht,
der Stern im Fenster schimmert klar-
o du, wo ist dein blondes Haar,
wo ist dein süßer Mund??
Nun trink ich Weh in jeder Lust
Und Gift in jedem Wein;
So bitter hat ich's nie gewußt,
allein zu sein,
allein und ohne dich zu sein!!
-Photo by Ian - Snowy Switzerland in the fog
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Spring Conservation Holiday in Palupõhja 2011
Conservation Holiday for People of All Ages (including Families, but not only)
March 25-27, 2011
in Palupõhja
Information and Registration in Estonian http://www.talgud.ee/talgud/2011/palupohja-1
March 25-27, 2011
in Palupõhja
Information and Registration in Estonian http://www.talgud.ee/talgud/2011/palupohja-1
ad by Katrin
photo from the official Palupõhja Holiday ad with the permission of the Project Manager of ELF Conservation Holidays
Sunday, 6 March 2011
Short Story Competition (Seashore)
As part of Tallinn being the Capital of Culture there is a short story competition which you can find details (in English.. other language options are available) here. You will also be able to read the stories later on.
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Languages to a Valentine Theme
Bodo Wartke wrote an interesting love song (Liebeslied) in 2009. The song is about wanting to sing how he loves someone and wanting to sing that in every language, which he does. Not only does he perform this you can also create your own version online with your choice of languages! Maybe too late for sending a Valentines but that doesn't stop you sending it now :)
He has the verses in languages from Swiss Dialects (which I found very useful :)) to English to Suaheli to Korean to Estonian and a lot more. Check it out and create your own love song here. (Insructions are in either German or English)
He has the verses in languages from Swiss Dialects (which I found very useful :)) to English to Suaheli to Korean to Estonian and a lot more. Check it out and create your own love song here. (Insructions are in either German or English)
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
Armastus #3
Ma armastan inimesi ja olukordi
- I love people and situations
(ja iseennast)
- (and myself)
koos nende vigadega.
- with all their errors.
See ei takista mind soovimast
- That does not prevent me either from wishing
(ja palvetamast),
- (and praying),
et nad paremaks muutuksid
- for them to beocome better
(ega neid selles aitamast),
- (nor helping them with it),
kuid mu armastus ei sõltu
- but my love does not depend on
nende (ega minu)
- whether they (or myself)
paremaks saamisest.
- become better.
Ma armastan neid (ja ennast)
- I love them (and myself)
ka siis, kui nad ei saa paremaks.
- also when they will not become better.
Ja kui nad paremaks saavad,
- And if they become better,
ei armasta ma neid sellepärast rohkem.
- I will not love them more for that.
Meil on lihtsalt kõigil parem.
- I'll just all be better off.
Aga me armastame üksteist ikka samapalju.
- But we love each other still the same.
- With no conditions
ja igavesti.
- and forever.
by Katrin in november 2010, translation in February 2011
art by 5-year-old Mari Lee - A Cave
ps. Happy Valentine Day to everyone! ... Especially the Special Ones :)
art by Mari Lee,
by Katrin,
in Estonian,
Monday, 7 February 2011
Send Your Volunteering Story
Read the stories told by the volunteers themselves. And send your own!
Stories are grouped by countries. For example in Estonia department you can find BTCV Community Group of the Year :)
(wonder whether Ian's story should go under Estonia or under United Kingdom... ;)
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Conservation Holidays for this Year
Sunday, 23 January 2011
Looduseomnibus Photo Contest 2011
The Looduseomnibus (Nature Omnibus) Photo Conest for 2011 is now open. I entered last year's competition, and one of my photos was good enough to go on display. However I am sure you can do one better and be in the top 3 of one of the categories.
Photos need to be of different categories of Nature and must be in by 14 March. There are prizes etc and all rules ... in a rough Google translation ... can be found here or in Estonian can be found here.
Good Luck!
Photos need to be of different categories of Nature and must be in by 14 March. There are prizes etc and all rules ... in a rough Google translation ... can be found here or in Estonian can be found here.
Good Luck!
Monday, 10 January 2011
Tallinn - Capital of Culture

Tallinn is joint Capital of Culture (with Turku) this year and I spotted this article in The Telegraph. You can read about the programme for the year of culture and like the Programme Director says Estonians "have strong folk traditions in singing and poetry".
Enjoy :)
P.S. The official website in Estonian (Also English , Finnish and Russian options available)
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