It all started here a year ago!
I thought it would be fitting to have an Estonian Poem here. A poem I found about the Emajõgi river. A river that flows from one lake (Võrtsjärv) to another (Peipsi). It flows through Tartu and past Palupõhja (which is where we were based for our volunteering).
Betti Alver was born in Jõgeva and live from 1906 to 1989. She is one of Estonia's notable poets and more information can be found
I have included both the Estonian and an English version of the poem.
Korallid Emajões - Betti Alver (from a collection of the same name)
Ikka meenuvad minutid
viras vikerkaar
üle vee.
Me seisime raudsel sillal.
Sinu ees oli
raudne tee.
Aeg raputas aardeid mu ette.
sinu ees oli
raudne tee.
viskasin vette
ma punakorallidest
Kõik mu aegade aarded on hallid.
pole ka jumalatõel.
vaid punakorallid
vahel vilavad
English version
(From Tuulelaeval valgusest on aerud. Windship with Oars of Light. Estonian Modern Poetry, Huma, Tallinn 2001)
My own note here is that the translator decided to say "Ancient River" whilst the original text specifies Emajõgi which means Mother River. Ema being mother and jõgi being river. The Emajõgi is mentioned in the title and also on the last line.
Corals in an Ancient River
A shimmering rainbow’s high ridge
arched over the river that day.
We stood on the cast-iron bridge;
ahead lay your iron-paved way.
Time’s treasures have all lost their lustre,
God’s truth has a dull, lifeless glimmer;
but the river flows stronger and faster
where the beads of coral still shimmer.
This along with other poems by Betti Alver can be found at the Estonian Literary Magazine.
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