Ma armastan inimesi ja olukordi
- I love people and situations
(ja iseennast)
- (and myself)
koos nende vigadega.
- with all their errors.
See ei takista mind soovimast
- That does not prevent me either from wishing
(ja palvetamast),
- (and praying),
et nad paremaks muutuksid
- for them to beocome better
(ega neid selles aitamast),
- (nor helping them with it),
kuid mu armastus ei sõltu
- but my love does not depend on
nende (ega minu)
- whether they (or myself)
paremaks saamisest.
- become better.
Ma armastan neid (ja ennast)
- I love them (and myself)
ka siis, kui nad ei saa paremaks.
- also when they will not become better.
Ja kui nad paremaks saavad,
- And if they become better,
ei armasta ma neid sellepärast rohkem.
- I will not love them more for that.
Meil on lihtsalt kõigil parem.
- I'll just all be better off.
Aga me armastame üksteist ikka samapalju.
- But we love each other still the same.
- With no conditions
ja igavesti.
- and forever.
by Katrin in november 2010, translation in February 2011
art by 5-year-old Mari Lee - A Cave
ps. Happy Valentine Day to everyone! ... Especially the Special Ones :)
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