- Morning Story
neljapäev 6. märts 2008
- Thursday, March 6, 2008
mees astus karusselli pealt maha ja vaatas enda ümber.
- the man stepped down from the carousel and looked around himself.
maailm kõikus veidike, kuid jäi vähehaaval pidama.
- the world wavered a bit, but little by little it stopped.
mees toetas jalad tugevalt maha ja vaatas ettevaatlikult karusselli poole.
- the man put his feet intensely on the ground and looked carefully towards the carousel.
see tundus imelikult kirju ja lärmakas.
- it seemed weirdly colourful and loud.
inimesed vihisesid kiiresti-kiiresti mööda, naersid ja hõikusid omavahel.
- the people swished by fast-fast, laughed and shouted to each other.
nad paistsid ennast hästi tundvat.
- they seemed to feel themselves good.
vahepeal mõni oksendas üle karusselliääre, pühkis suu puhtaks ja naeris ja hõikus edasi.
- now and then some of them vomited over the edge of the carousel, sweeped his mouth clean and laughed and shouted on.
inimestele karussellil paistis mees ... veider.
- to the people on the carousel the man looked ... weird.
selline ... ebastabiilne.
- such ... unstable.
kord on, kord pole.
- once he is there, then he is not.
kuidagi ... väljaspool.
- somehow ... outside.
teisel pool.
- on the other side.
lihtsam oli teda mitte vaadata ja tema olemasolu unustada.
- it was easier to not look at him and forget about his presence.
- there.
karussellil vihises mööda Suur Mees.
- on the carousel swished by the Big Man.
- with Beard.
Mees ei olnud teda varem märganud.
- the Man had not noticed him before.
karussellil olles.
- being on the carousel.
nüüd aga jõudsid temani Suure Mehe Sõnad.
- but now the Words of the Big Man reached him.
Suur Mees vihises mööda kiiresti, aga jõudis selle lühikese hetkega öelda Palju.
- the Big Man swished by fast, but could by that short moment say a Lot.
naudi seda aega. selliseid võimalusi antakse harva. see on suurepärane aeg Loomiseks.
- enjoy this time. such possibilities are given rarely. it is a wonderful time for Creation.
mees vaatas enda ümber. Maailm oli Loodud. mida on enam Luua ühel väikesel Mehel.
- the man looked around himself. the World had been Created. what else can be Created by a little Man.
mees vaatas karusselli ja tundis, kuidas maailm hakkab vaikselt jälle ringi käima.
- the man looked the carousel and felt, how the world slowly starts to go around again.
mees sirutas käe karusselli poole ja sai mööduva pulgaga valusalt mööda sõrmi.
- the man reached his hand toward the carousel and got a painful hit from the passing stick.
mees pistis sõrme suhu ja jäi mõttesse.
- the man put his finger in his mouth and stayed thinking.
mees heitis pikali ja vaatas kõikuvaid oksi ja mööduvaid pilvi.
- the man laid down and looked at the swaying branches and passing clouds.
Rahu oli Maa peal.
- the Peace was on the Earth.
mees jäi vaikselt magama.
- the man fell quietly asleep.
mees nägi unes, et ta on väike tüdruk, kes istub öösärgis arvuti ees ja kirjutab "Mees astus karussellilt maha..."
- the man dreamed that he was a little girl sitting in a nightgown in front of a computer and writing "the Man stepped down from the carousel..."
mehe silmist voolasid pisarad ja nendest tärkasid tema ümber maailma kõige ilusamad lilled.
- from the eyes of the man flowed tears and sprouted around him the most beautiful flowers of the world.
Short Story by Katrin in 2008
art by 6-year-old Mari Lee 'Egg and Mother' or 'Mother of the Egg'
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