Palupõhja Nature School
Alam-Pedja nature reserve
Jõgeva malev of Estonian military forces
. Kirna õppekeskus & their sauna :)
Tartu & Antsla
Tallinn at night
Old House hostel
Oleviste church
. stairs, tower and the view
. of everything around
stupid tourists' souvenirs
& Katariina käik
. or St Catherine's Passage
. with its nice small shops
beautiful hats
. Jenn fell in love with
nice saying necklaces
. ilus elu
. enda teha
. beautiful life
. to create yourself
. Emma's choice
goodbye to Allan
. our favourite MangoMan
Müürivahe street
. or Spell's Cellar
head massager
rings necklace
. for Ellen :)
search for Kompressor
dinner at St Patrick's
. near Hollywood
snacks and main courses
nice rectangular plates
& good meals
. for good prices
4 beers for 3
. for Katrin the first free :)
discussion about having kids & getting men :)
then Niguliste church
& up the Short Leg
. or Lühike Jalg
legend of the gate
. between uptown
. & downtown
normal merchants
. & swedes and germans
The Danish King Yard
. or Taani Kuninga Aed
& million crown toilet
the Orthodox Church
& Parliament Castle
Toompea Loss or Riigikogu
the park besides the castle
nice view
. of tall trees
& Pikk Hermann
. with the flag
not waiting for the sunset
. with national anthem
photos on the stairs
. of the Orthodox Church
. of Alexander Nevski
. again
goodbye to Jenn
. or Dome Church
the most important church
. and much smaller than several others :)
another view
. of the sun
. settling for to set
the Government House
. or Stenbocki Maja
. & the tree in the yard
Patkuli vaateplats
. another viewpoint
with more beautiful sunset
. & russian girls' bachelor party
then the last viewpoint
. with sunset
. reflecting on the glass buildings
search for a warm place with coffee
in Syrtaki
& Pika Jala Restoran
down by the Long Leg
. or Pikk Jalg
through the Jazz Lounge
. with not enough places
. but good music the Preston people liked :)
go for Chocolaterie
& landing in Kehrwieder
. (that was the Chocolaterie after all :))
. the Estonian most romantic cellar cafe :)
hot chocolate
. in different condition
nice corner in the back
Piret's phone call at the door :)
discussion about ages
. & our presumptions of them
basically, we all are 25
. mostly
ranging from 22 to 60+
or to put it another way
most of us are in a beginning of a new decade
like 22 or 32
. or 40-42
or at the end of one
. like 28-29
with a few exceptions
. so special in their exceptionality :)
(everyone feels touched by this one, right? :)
Ian's poetry-book inspiring Katrin
goodbye to Michelle,
. Ellen, Anjum,
. Robert, Linda, Geoff
& back to the Jazz Lounge
where the music had ended
& forward to Clazz
with still not much places
. but with wonderful big soft chairs
more beer & white wine
. on Colin
nice music
. no dancing on the table :(
but with Ingrid's persuasion
. finally some dancing too
but no Õllepruulija this time :)
Katrin's signature for the nicest English poet
. ever met in Estonia :)
goodbye to Ingrid & Colin & Emma
& there we were
. only Ian & the ladies
like a deja vu
not counting the canlad
. telling everyone to go asleep :)
no singing this time :(
just finishing up the beer and wine
. & off we go
. from the nicest evening in Tallinn for years
I believe we all feel
. by half younger
. by half happier
. believing more in people
. & the world
. & happiness
I wonder if I ever stop thinking in English
. or writing poetry again
thank You all
. for everything that happened
. & everything that did not happen
I almost missed my train stop
. thinking of You
. my Friends :)
by Katrin
August 14, 2009
photo by Robert B
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