Friday, 25 May 2012

Estonian Learning Websites

Whilst waiting for the much atticipated Duolingo I have been searching for websites to improve my language skills.  (Duolingo launches in about 28 days time with initial languages including Spanish and German). So here are a few I found that include an Estonian section to them.

There are a few sites that I have found interesting such as busuu ( and livemocha  ( On these sites they provide various fere exercies (and some fee paid ones too) and flashcards. Also there is a community part in that people may comment and correct your excercises or give you insightful help from a native speaker of the language you are trying to learn.

The one I am currently using is called memrise ( Part flashcard, part quiz , part community. Seems a quite fun way to learn, plush you can share your own cards, and it has reminders on to revise words so that they stick in your mind. Each word is equated to a seed... which is then a seedling then a plant.. which of course keeps needing watering to be rememebered. Or is it remembered to be watered? hmmm but is very good I feel and there is Estonian content on there... and more can be added by yourself?

Finally for individual words here is an Estonian Dictionary online ( and of course there is alwatys Google Translate.

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