Ian thought it would be fitting to have an Estonian Poem on the
1st Anniversary Post.
I thought it would be fitting to have the non-poetic word-by-word translation of the 1st Anniversary Post poem here.
Korallid Emajõel
- Corals on Emajõgi
Betti Alver
Ikka meenuvad minutid
- still remember the minutes
- when
viras vikerkaar
- the rainbow
üle vee.
- over the water
Me seisime raudsel sillal.
- We stood on the iron bridge
Sinu ees oli
- In front of you there was
raudne tee.
- the iron road.
Aeg raputas aardeid mu ette.
- Time shaked the treasures in front of me.
sinu ees oli
- in front of you there was
raudne tee.
- the iron road
- On the iron bridge
viskasin vette
- I threw into the water
ma punakorallidest
- a necklace made of red corals.
Kõik mu aegade aarded on hallid.
- All the treasures of my times are grey
- There is no complexion
pole ka jumalatõel.
- on the Truth of God either.
- From the bottom of the water
vaid punakorallid
- only the red corals
vahel vilavad
- sometimes shimer
- on Emajõgi.
poem by Betti Alver, found by Ian, translation here by Katrin
art by 5-year-old Mari Lee - the coral fish