Thursday, 16 December 2010

Armastus #1

After searching and listening a lot of ancient Estonian folk songs (regilaul) made one myself.
Left it be for a year or so and then decided to try and translate:

Armastus tuleb arutades
- Love comes considering
arutades arvestades
- considering figuring
arglikult ja aegamööda
- timidly and slowly
astub aia ääri mööda
- steps by the edges of the fence
Eile eelmine eemaldus
- yesterday the previous withdrew
et ei ehmuks hellakene
- for the brownie would not be startled
ise ihkab ihaleda
- oneself craves to desire

ilma ilut imesteda
- to admire the beauty of the world (or weather)

Ootus lootus ohkab ihkab
- Expectation hope sighs craves
oivalisi ootamisi
- marvelous waitings
unes näeb ulmas unistab
- sees in dreams daydreams in a vision

uusi uhkeid ulakusi
- new proud naughties

Õde õhkab venda vihkab
- Sister sighs hates the brother
ämma äiutabetit
- the mother-in-law lulls the puny

öösel ööbikul ööjutud
- in the night the nightingale's night chats
üle kõige armastus
- above all the love

the point in the Estonian version is the alphabethical alliteration - the words in rows start with A, E, I, O, U, Õ, Ä, Ö, Ü...

in Estonian and translation by Katrin
art by 5-year-old Mari Lee

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