Thursday, 30 December 2010

things ... what

things happen
life goes
people wonder
sometimes souls
are happy
sometimes not
no matter
by Katrin in October 2010
art by 5-year-old Mari Lee - nine tunnels

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Armastus #2

Another version of the previous regilaul, no translation this time:

Armastus tuleb aegamööda
astub aia ääri mööda
Eile eelmine eemaldus
et ei ehmuks hellakene
Ise ihkab ihaleda
ilma ilut imesteda
Ootamatuid ootamisi
uhkes ulmas uneleda
Õeke õisi õnnisteleb
ämma hälli äiuteleb
Öösel ööbikul ööjutud
üle kõige armastus
by Katrin in November 2009
photo by Ian in Wales (?)

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Armastus #1

After searching and listening a lot of ancient Estonian folk songs (regilaul) made one myself.
Left it be for a year or so and then decided to try and translate:

Armastus tuleb arutades
- Love comes considering
arutades arvestades
- considering figuring
arglikult ja aegamööda
- timidly and slowly
astub aia ääri mööda
- steps by the edges of the fence
Eile eelmine eemaldus
- yesterday the previous withdrew
et ei ehmuks hellakene
- for the brownie would not be startled
ise ihkab ihaleda
- oneself craves to desire

ilma ilut imesteda
- to admire the beauty of the world (or weather)

Ootus lootus ohkab ihkab
- Expectation hope sighs craves
oivalisi ootamisi
- marvelous waitings
unes näeb ulmas unistab
- sees in dreams daydreams in a vision

uusi uhkeid ulakusi
- new proud naughties

Õde õhkab venda vihkab
- Sister sighs hates the brother
ämma äiutabetit
- the mother-in-law lulls the puny

öösel ööbikul ööjutud
- in the night the nightingale's night chats
üle kõige armastus
- above all the love

the point in the Estonian version is the alphabethical alliteration - the words in rows start with A, E, I, O, U, Õ, Ä, Ö, Ü...

in Estonian and translation by Katrin
art by 5-year-old Mari Lee

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Finland - #16

I struggled through
the deep snow
with more following fast

I struggled through
the bitter cold and
with more following fast

I struggled through
hunger and tiredness
with more following fast

eventually arrived at Walhalla
and what's this to say about my journey
it was closed!

poem and photo by Ian

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Finland - #2

(Posting poems about snow in summer doesnt seem right so I have posted them now even though I wrote them months ago)
Out at Sea
Bracing against the wind
defying the beating waves
a fortress in the sea

Snow all around
Sun is blinding
a mix of hot and cold
I must guard

So I stand here
against incoming armies
against incoming tides
and against the deep loneliness
until the snow melts and flowers bloom

photo and poetry by Ian