Wednesday, 28 April 2010

#26 - 2010 - Pedja river

Pedja river,
long and wide
winding river
Never seeming to end,
but must slowly
meet the sea.
Never seeming to
have a start
like the universe
an intriguing mystery.
Except we found
the river source
in a

by Ian

photo by Ian in Simuna - the start of the Pedja river - the river that ends near Palupõhja...

Monday, 26 April 2010

#24 - reprise

Train to Preston
Much snow now gone
and a small chimney on my house
near a small bus stop
friendly family
seemingly foreign language
but my own
personal questions
drive to Leyland
the place of low lands
flatish land
Many tales to tell once again
of flatlands
but for now

sleep ahead
and then I agree is the rest of my life

by Ian based on Katrin's
photo by Ian of the Start of the Pedja River in Simuna 2010

Sunday, 25 April 2010

#24 part 4 - Tallinn

Finding Hotel
through melting snow
change shoes over again
they look a mess
o well
just a little late
finding Virge sat
at city hall
Piret arrive later
Another mini tour
Here you might remember this - Our hostel of last year
"Yes that's where I saw you last" I said
"You saying see you sometime"
Then over to monument
that I couldn't remember
and crossing over to steps
for Moscow Olympics
Then 2 snowballs in back
from Piret
Discussion of Stalker film
Then back over around town
Past Hotel Queen stayed at
and finally up to Toompea for lowering of flag and anthem
But Virge shouts REVENGE!
and throws a snowball at Piret
and a snowball starts
one narrowly misses my head
Virge sounds dissapointed
Finally we stop and the flag lowers
although the anthem was some snippet which wasnt so good
better in the morning
Can be heard all around!
Pancake place
which was busy last time
my pancacke with longnameicouldntpronounce but recognices had Juust
in it, was mushrooms and blue cheese
Ate whilst asking about Siim
Then off to find music in music festival
went to see Jazz
but Virge wanted to see Brainstorm
too expensive for both
So Bus
and bus ticket
which Piret pinched and punched for me
No Katrin this time

Insteresting Latvian bands
singing pandas
but Virge not translating this time :)
but I know that all songs are about the same thing
bopping Estonians
Screaming Latvians
Saku to drink
whilst we sat
then stood and bopped
and avoided the cameras
Brainstorm on
good tunes
Never seeming to finish
even after encore
we leave with one tune playing on
Virge Taxi come first
Goodbyes and hugs
and once again "see you sometime"
Taxi with Piret
asking about Palupõhja
not this year
but one in future
and rememebering
a Kalev Chocolate
that Siim had asked to give me
finally hotel
Piret out for a hug
and taxi going off
but luckily she stopped it again
me saying hope she gets home
off to sleep if i can

but waking early trying to
catch sunrise but wasnt
when expected so back
and some more sleep
before off back to Helsinki
Bye Estonia for now

by Ian
photo by Ian in Tallinn 2010

Saturday, 24 April 2010

#24 part 3 - Kadri

Alone again
wander and walk over bridges
one was 68 steps over
but later only 62 steps back
I write silly verses
until I think Kadri is back
from Grand Canyon
A nervous call
Right number?
right person answering?
Tere? Hello?
O Hello is this Ian?
Before I could really say
A cocoa, definately not hot chocolate
and fish soup with useful translation
A talk of travels
some photos of summerhouse
invited to Kadri home
Son playing new game from London
A drink
and some potato porridge
A look through brochures
from the Canyon
with some stories
No photos as with husband
now in Mexico
Talk of nature photos
what is nature
a talk of British Competition with wolf jumping
which was disqualified

Old book of Tartu                      
Interesting, as not sure whether its  promoting soviet or Estonia
Then to a page with old black and white photo
Again a deer
with her Bambi
Exactly the same
I laughed

See you tomorrows and lift back

In the morning
Wondering if Kadri
was Sleeping off the flight
Another nervous call
And then and impressive Tere hommikust
in car
as practised the morning before to Katrin and Teet

Shopping Centre
with Ice Hockey Pitch
and look for dad's present
hopefully a leaning flass
with leaning building
from Tartu
in past explained by Katrin
one side based on wood
the other on stone wall
I just hope the glass
Anyway a postcard bought
and sent with Tartu Bridges
Also Tallinna Bread bought for train
Back to house
off to National Museum
This time no one paid for me
was free on Fridays
Kids camp inside
playing stringed instruments
and then someone with Estonian bagpipes
Different colour dress
different tools
different ways of life
timeline through ages
timeline through personal stories
which got to a Kadri's kids favourite pizza place
across the road
maybe not so good looking
but pizza good tasting
pizza all gone this time
A look around another hidden art gallery
This one scary
some distorted comic then distorted pencil drawings
of some nightmares
with a video playing with sound track of some other one
I said I hoped not to sleep on train
Then off to Train
with Kadri saying
I hope this was as expected
Yes it was
Good to see again
with tales of adventures
and stories of Estonia
and friendly times once more

So a quick good bye and off to train
but not before wanting to see photos of Grand Canyon and all

So on train I travel to Tallinn and eat my bread

by Ian
photo by Ian in 2010

Friday, 23 April 2010

#24 part 2-2 - Next day

Next day
Church only seen from bus by Katrin
and saw the statue of person
who made my pronounciation of Emajõgi all wrong
Zoological Museum
exhibits the same as when
Katrin was a child
with many colours
the first determining the summer colour
a peacock butterfly stands out
a stork taking and bringing souls
An Australian Bird
An actual peacock
Then a deer
with bambi; I thought
and memorised.
Then the exhibit
she always liked to see
two wolves attacking an
elk or moose we could not decide
the moose looking likely to lose
but hasn't for all these years
The rock museum                      
metorite from Simuna
pointed out by Teet
a guestbook writing
of a great museum from me from Great Britain
a cafe
like museums
would never have found alone
cafe mix of soviet and new
paying for food again
2nd  hand bookshop
üks Kroon Kids book for Katrin's Kids
convinved 2 books for myself
Uni library
Money trip to ATM
not allowed in library unless we
pretend to be in a conference
Tartu University History Museum
In the ruins of a church
History abound
Katrins  intwined
Names mostly starting with K
 Prince Charles' signature
A view of the arches of the ruins
back way through university
Art Museum
our names spelt in Greek
Main hall closed
Someone's office from Katrin's Uni days
closed too
John's Church
This time up the tower
Although had to get unlocked
Bells of Peter and Paul
Uni finally spotted
Walles inside still leaning
Organ in wrong place

Many things remembered
Many forgotten

A walk back to the bus station
"You should walk over this bridge and count the steps"
 before some more bad good byes  by me
but a hope of maybe seeing English music
and visiting England
and maybe or not seeing in Tallinn
a hug and Bye..for now

As I have to go home sometime to fill the blog

by Ian (waiting at terminal for the ferry)
photo by Ian of the weathervane of St. John's Church in Tartu 2010
links by Katrin mostly from Google Search

Thursday, 22 April 2010

#24 part 2 - Train to Tartu

Train to Tartu
Place of Good thoughts               --- :)
but unfamiliar part of town
past national museum
University Corporations
University Colours
"Was that the one that created the Estonian flag?"
Student residence to drop off things
A cooker in  room
but no time to cook
but swapped wet shoes for dry
Off to meet more Estonians
over a viking bridge
Katrin on the swing
then another
I was right that Estonains like swings
But not meet others here
A Chinese restaurant
they always go
but was too bust this time
An Italian restaurant this time
"Did you joke about paying?"
It wouldnt have been very funny
Pizza too big
Rest for a bit
Meet even more Estonians
on way to Oscar Wilde
Interesting conversations
on music
well in English
In Estonian
Off to Big Ben
Phonebox the wrong shape,
Winston Churchill portrait hanging on wall
Pub is not really more English then England
feel tired
but thought too rude to leave
no concentration on conversation
or football
Finally after a fun but tiring night
set off my way
up Riia Street
did not want no short cuts offered
and right at Cinema
or else might end up in Riga

by Ian
photo by Ian in Tartu 2010

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

#24 - aptale :)

train to Rakke
much snow again
and a big chimney
near a small bus-station
friendly people
foreign language
personal questions
bus to Väike-Tammiku
the place of the small Oak Forest
talk with a neighbour
a phone call
walk over a small hill
to Kaasiku Talu
the Farm of the forest of birch
much snow
warm house
ancient way of living
candle light
and big big quietness
specially after the
radio has been shut down
potato soup
instead of a porridge
Baltic herring
and home-made bread
not much room left
for pancakes
and snowing more and more
more pancakes in the
and a porridge cooked
through the night
a wet walk
on another hill
until the path ends
with more snow
a friendly car
to Simuna
the start of the Pedja river
a story of the spring
with the name of a disease
maybe curing water
taking water
small house on spring
and a swing
on the other side
walk by the church
parking by school
another house
not so ancient
drums and guitar
making music
in a cold room
through Käru village
to Emumägi
the hill of the
Australian bird
running fast and far
"Enter here with clean thoughts"
a funny hut
of the roots of trees
and pancake picnic
in the sun
no way to the
other hut
to be seen the
next time
Rakke again
a silent cat
another hill
Rakke Linnamãgi
or Town Hill
with a song festival ground
and a ski-jump tower
another view
back through the snow
the place of a church
burned down
years ago
walk through Rakke
that has everything
Limestone factory
Post Office
Youth Center
Elders' Center
on top of the Youth's one
shops closed and open
railway and bus stations
apteek in Estonian
school, Kindergarten
pupils' house
doctor and dentist
even a hairdresser
internet in library
nothing on Tartu
waiting for the train
no arguing about the tickets
and here comes the train
good bye my 24 hours
in Rakke
Tartu ahead
and so is
the rest of my life

by Katrin in train from Rakke to Tartu
photo by Ian of the Chimney of the Old Limestone Factory in Rakke 2010

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

a decent book to help learn Estonian?

no idea about decency but the only ones I found:

Does anyone know any possibility to learn Estonian online? Or a decent book? Or a good Estonian bookstore to ask?
photo by Ian of the New Arched Bridge over the Unpronouncable Emajõgi in Tartu 2010

Monday, 19 April 2010

how do you make potato porridge?

in Estonian


in Estonian - English with the help of GoogleTranslate:

1 kg kartulit - 1 kg potatoes
2 dl sooja piima - 200 ml ( I think?) warm milk
50 g võid - 50 g butter
1 tl soola - 1 teaspoon salt
0.25 tl musta pipart - 0.25 teaspoon black pepper

Valmistamine: - Preparation:
Koori ja tükelda kartulid, keeda soolaga maitsestatud vees pehmeks. - Peel and chop the potatoes, boil in water seasoned with salt until soft.
Vala vesi ära ja lase kartulitel potis veidi auruda. - Pour the water and let the potatoes in a pot just evaporate.
Tambi kartulid pudrunuia abil katki, lisades samal ajal vähehaaval kuuma piima ja tükeldatud või. - Break the potatoes with pudrunui, while slowly adding the hot milk and butter.
Klopi puder puulusikaga kohevaks. - Whisk the porridge fluff with wooden spoon.
Maitsesta soola ja pipraga ja serveeri. - Season to taste with salt and pepper and serve.


Some additions by Katrin: I melt the butter in milk while warming the milk up before adding it to smashed potatoes. And you can add anything besides the salt and pepper - like all kinds of herbs (including carrot tops :) or onion fried with or without bacon.

And last but not least - eat it with Baltic Herring!
photo by Ian of Baltic Herrings being eaten in Helsinki 2010

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

#23 - 2010 - somethings

somethings have
no words
just think

someplaces have
no guides
just see

somefood has
no description
just eat

some times have
no minutes
just Thank

by Ian (Train from Rakke)

photo by Ian of a root hut in Emumägi (the place to enter with good thoughts) 2010

#21 - 2010 - when you feel lost

when you feel lost in
a white wilderness waiting
for a stop that you not sure is

someone says they
recognise you from
the place you were
last in.

Like the world acknowledging your existance.

Just before a friendly face
appears through the
falling freezing snow
to signal

you are here for sure!

by Ian

photo by Ian of Snow People in Emumägi 2010

#20 - 2010 - a poet's dream

A Poet's dream is impossible
the dream
the ultimate task

to describe something
so perfectly

but yet never achieving

it's like writing about
the snow
every word
every letter
is a step away from that blank page across
the landscape

by ian (train from Rakke)

photo by Ian in Tartu Toomemägi 2010

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

#18-2010 - and it came








. . .

It snowed
and it Snowed

and I waited...

by Ian

(Photo on same trip but in Helsinki...)

Sunday, 11 April 2010

#14-2010 - another dot

Another dot on the horizon
but this one doesnt turn into
a gull, boat or floating ice

It grows
like strong plants in the sun
and heads for the sky

Like little seeds
I can't tell if I know them
but once fully grown
I recognize

I recognize my temporary home.

by Ian (Ferry across to Tallinn) (Photo on Ferry with Tallinn on Horizon)

Saturday, 10 April 2010

and for people who want to learn and experience Estonia/UK

 People who do may be interested in the following:

First of all in 2011 Tallinn (along with Turku , Finland) is the Capital of Culture for Europe. A few years ago in 2008 Liverpool was the Capital of Culture and was a major success and included many events including a big mechanical spider which climbed down a tower block and paraded along the street. I was lucky enough to see this whilst travelling to and back from Stockholm via Liverpool John Lennon Airport.
I am sure there are a lot of events planned for Tallinn too. The Official website can be found here : (In English but other languages available :)) and also the current events can be found by downloading a PDF here
It would be an ideal time to visit Tallinn and Estonia and learn a lot from it be it by Music, Literature , Plays or whatever is going on at the time.

Now probably not really in the main vein but maybe good time to visit the UK is London 2012 Olympics. The various Olympic events are of course taking part in London but there are events around other places too including Manchester (Old Trafford, if that counts as Manchester? :)) and Weymouth. Of course there are great events on like the opening event which always seems try and out do the last country. So if you love sport and want to see the UK maybe this is the best time to come? The offical page is here: accept my apologies for lack of other language options! Pesky English!)
and of course I dont guarantee that this will go ahead as the end of the world is 2012 sometime... maybe.

Of course these are just two major events but there are plenty of other events and lovely places to see anyhow.
photo by Ian of Estonia 2010

Thursday, 8 April 2010

#1-2010 - so dark

So dark is life
like the universe
racing away
with no hope in catching it
until you see
the little twinkle
that you can catch
can hold for a while
and hopefully meet again

by ian

and photo by Ian in Kaasiku 2010

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Uncyclopedia about Regions of England

Nothing as good as Estonia but
here you go

Quote 1:
" Lancastrians, so far removed from the others that scientists are considering changing their classification to a wholly different species".

Quote 2:
"Although claiming to be a separate country, the West-West country, locally known as Wales has in fact been owned by the British East India company"
photo by Ian in Tartu University Museum 2010

Uncyclopedia About Estonia

Estonia, (pronounced Throat Wobbler Mangrove) commonly misspelled as Kohuke, Boneraniia, Stonia, Stanistan, Setomaa, e-Stonia, Elbonia, Estoina, Iceland, MiR, I'm stoned  or Australia, is the most important country in South-East-Western Afrasia, where everybody is stoned, being recognized by those with brains as the world's number one superpower because of its enormous army and cultural influence in the world, its colony Bolanga, and, last and definitely the least, because of its infamous  shashlyk. ...
More nice Uncyclopedic information here

Quite Creative :)
(and don't take it too seriously - Uncyclopedia is an encyclopedia full of misinformation and utter lies.)

written by anonymous authors, copied by Katrin
photo by Ian of the Estonian Independance Poem in Tallinn 2010

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Why am I here?

Why am I here
they keep asking me
and I have asked myself
so many times

And I have asked myself
in many places
looking in each corner for the truth
but if there was any it had seemingly gone

I once tried looking in Valhalla
but it was snowed up
and it was definately closed
what can that tell me about life?

Another time viewing beauty
in all the scenic landscapes
but the loveliness soon escaped me
fading like a dreamlike memory

And yet again trying to find "the zone" in cities
with the bustling busy backstreets
which are full of tourist facts and figures
the only meaning told through friendly faces

I thought maybe I was here to spend all my money
I tried that once
buying ice lollipops in the snow
but still hang onto 5 EEKs in my wallet

Maybe I am here to keep a promise
Something that would hold me duty bound
but even this has no meaning
without a currency behind it

Finally it occured it was a subconcious thought
the mallard duck's wing flashing
its colours of here and now
but surely one would be foolish chasing birds?

So why am i here?

A friend asks just before I leave
If I had done everything I wanted
and Yes.

I saw you again.

by Ian (mallard in helsinki)