Tartu Environmental Education Centre
Photo Contest
for photos taken on and around Emajõgi.
More info in Estonian here.
Deadline Oct 31, 2009.
Anyone welcome to participate.
As far as I remember
the river in Palupõhja
was Emajõgi,
but the river
in the place
where we made the fires
and had lunches
was Alam-Pedja,
so the last one
would not qualify
i guess.
And who remembers
which pictures
were taken where?
ad by Katrin
photo by Ian on Emajõgi :)
Translation in Summary by Katrin:
naturalists of all ages can participate
best photos will be on exhibition in the Environmental EducationCentre
Deadline October 31st
2 categories:
nature (looduspildid in Estonian)
and people in action near/on Emajogi (looduselamused in Estonian)
Every participant can send up to 3 pictures in each category
Every photo must have a smart title and the exact time and place of photo
1st prize - trip down Emajogi
2nd prize - get a necessarynature-friend's backbag
3rd prize - a nature book
The photos on paper (size 15*20 cm) must be sent to: RMKEmajõe-Suursoo looduskeskus, Kavastu küla, Luunja vald, Tartumaa.Digital photos in jpg-format to emajoe-suursoo.looduskeskus@rmk.ee .
For to have a high-quality print-outs the digital photos must be at least 1800x2400 pixels and resolution 300 dpi. And do not forget to add the author's name, age and contact information.
The winners will be announcedon Nov. 9, 2009.
The competition is sponsored by local governments of Luunja, Vara andMäksa, Emajõe Jõeriik Foundation, Peipsi Vikat Society, South-EstonianFishermen Society and Emajõe Nupuklubi Society. For more information: Eerika Purgel Tel 676 7998, 506 7248 emajoe-suursoo.looduskeskus@rmk.ee www.rmk.ee