Thursday, 27 December 2012


What happened to all the actors
in the dramas of my life.
Maybe there were factors
why you were in the comedies and not with me in the strife

What happened to the tragedy
They always seemed to ask
when ever they were being unheedy
and only seeing the mask.

What happened to the past
Now misinterpreted when re-enacted
The meaning lost in a mystery
In the mind where the history and present interacted

What happened to.. well what happened to me
I'll not fade like a ghost, I have more form, you will see!

by Ian

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Jõululuuletus (Christmas Poem)

Saanid tänavatel sõidavad ringi
Mina soovisin jõuluvanalt kringlit
Kui ta lõpuks olen saand
Rõõmust lakke hüppan ma
Nüüd on jõulud lõpuks käes
Mina ka nüüd jõule näen
Ja kui järgmised jõulud tulevad
Siis ka kingitused tulemas
autor 8-aastane Laas