Sinugi lood on Sinu sees
- Your stories are inside You
ja piiluvad vahel välja.
- and peek out sometimes.
Kuigi kannad neid eneses,
- Although you carry them inside yourself,
saad nendega vahel nalja.
- sometimes some fun happens with them.
Sinu laulud on Sinu sees ja murravad vahel välja.
- Your songs are inside You and break out sometimes.
Räägivad Sinust enesest ja teevad Su kulul nalja.
- Talk about Yourself and make fun of You.
Sinu elu on Sinu ees. Alati ei tule välja.
- Your life is in front of You. Always it does not work out.
Hoolimata Su teenetest Sinustki teeb keegi nalja.
- Regardless of Your favors, someone makes fun of You, too.
Sinu hetked on Sinu sees. Keegi ei võta neid välja.
- Your moments are inside You. Nobody takes them out.
Parimates Su hetkedes ikka on killuke nalja.
- In the best of Your moments there alaways is a chip of fun.
Sinu naljad on Sinu sees. Kuidas küll saada nad välja?
- Your funny jokes are inside You. How to get them out?
Sügavamalgi südames juurdunud kurbuse viljad...
- In the deepest part of the heart the fruits of sadness have taken root...
Sinu kurbus on Sinu ees. Kes küll siit lasi ta välja?
- Your sadness is in front of You. Who on earth did let it out from here?
Tühjusetunne südames igatseb killukest nalja.
- Feeling of emptyness in the heart yearns for a chip of fun.
Sinu viljad on Sinu sees. Lase nad ometi välja!
- Your fruits are inside You. Let them yet out!
Oma laule Sa imetle kurbuses, tänus ja naljas!
- Your own songs do admire in sadness, in thanksgiving and in fun!
by Katrin in June 2011
art by 5-year-old Mari Lee 'a sea, a sunset and a sunrise'