Wednesday, 27 April 2011

looduseomnibuss news... (Photo Competition and new competition)

You can now view all the winning photos here. All stunning photos! This time none of my photos selected but I can see why :)

But here is ANOTHER!! Painting Competition. Paintings are required of many places in Estonia. The link from Looduse Omnibuss is here.

Monday, 25 April 2011

Lahemaa Photo and Painting Contest

information in Estonian here

anyone can send their paintings and photos of Lahemaa (a beautiful part of Northern Estonia) until May 15, 2011.

ad by Katrin

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Lovely photos of Estonia for you to view

Lots of photos have been sent in for the Looduse Omnibuss competition and you can view the gallery of them here. There are photos of landscapes, weather, nature, people ... close ups, long shots, some that will surprise, some that will delight. Anyway enjoy :)

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Nature Quiz

As everyone waits for the results from Looduse Omnibuss for the photo competition there are more prizes and some questions to be answered.
They along with a company called Overall have a quiz which you can enter by identifying places animals etc (in Estonian). You can win a new camera or something else by entering this Quiz

You have about 2 weeks to enter!

(Details in Estonian are here)

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Bee Story Collecting

see here: This year, in co-operation with Estonian National Museum, we are also collecting stories from people who have participated in the Day of Civil Actions and other kind of bees in different times. People can send us their stories as well as read other people’s stories on our website -

more information in Estonian here:
- collecting stories from March 15 until May 13, 2011
- story entering form in the website
- more information, tel. +372 7350420 (ask for example whether stories in English would be accepted ;)
- read stories here 
photo by English Volunteer in Palupõhja Bee in 2009